Project information
- Exploratory Visualization with Multivariate and Multitemporal Geographic Data
- Course: Data Visualization
- Project date: 11 December, 2023
- GitHub Link to see the Code
In this exercise I used
p5.js to create an interactive geographic visualization to explore a multi-temporal and multi-variate
data set of
crime statistics across the United States
How to use the APP?
How to use the APP?
- Click a crime and compare how the centroid of that crime moves with how the population centroid moves.
- Click "Zoom In" to see better the path
- Crime data is not available in New York from 1960-1964
- To better appreciate the movement of both centroids, I suggest that instead of moving the slider, you click on it and move it using the arrow keys.
- The intensity of the color is used to compare crime rate within states
- CrimeByState.csv
- CrimeByState_metadata.txt
- StateBoundaries.csv (GEO information to delimitate states)
- StateCentroids.csv (GEO information including the centroids of each state)